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Be trained in Evangelism
What is the Ripple Effect Course?

The Ripple Effect Course is a comprehensive and accessible Christian discipleship course in evangelism that will help you:


  • Better understand the good news about Jesus yourself

  • Love family and friends who don’t know Jesus by praying for them regularly

  • Develop skills in talking about Jesus

  • Learn how to live a life always ‘on mission’ and ready to serve God

  • Hear what God is doing in and through others as you pray for them


Whether you want to ‘dive’ into evangelism or just want to dip your toe in the water, this course is for you. Expect God to create ripples that impact others in ways you never would have imagined.


Depending where you are on your Christian journey, you should begin with Module 1 and/or 2 to establish gospel foundations and learn frameworks used in later modules.

Jesus and Me: Introduction

Jesus and Me: Introduction

Play Video
Jesus and Me

Module 1

8 Sessions

Hosted by Tim and Kamwende

Jesus and Conversation: Introduction

Jesus and Conversation: Introduction

Play Video
Jesus and Conversation

Module 2

8 Sessions

Hosted by Julie-anne and Sam

Tricky Questions: Introduction

Tricky Questions: Introduction

Play Video
Tricky Questions

Module 3

8 Sessions

Hosted by Dan and Erica

The Real Jesus: Introduction

The Real Jesus: Introduction

Play Video
The Real Jesus

Module 4

8 Sessions

Hosted by Jeri and Dave

How does it work?

Ripple Effect is made up of 4 modules, each containing 8 sessions. The program is built around small groups of people meeting weekly to engage with the brief session video and session guide.


These weekly meetings are where discipleship happens and are crucial to the momentum of Ripple Effect. For each session, people will:


Module 2 - Session 2 DEEPER CONVERSATIONS - YouTube - 1 16.jpeg

Share stories of evangelistic opportunities since the last session to encourage and seek wisdom from others in the group.

Praise God for his love, salvation, and the privilege of evangelism. Ask God to save our family and friends and use us to help them come to know and trust Jesus.

Image by Worshae
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Improve confidence and competence in evangelism by learning, practicing, and reviewing skills that enable us to speak about Jesus in a natural and unforced manner.


It’s easy to follow, but gets right to the heart of God’s work in our world, asks questions that get us thinking deeper about our faith and how it speaks to the lives of those we love.


This is just the kind of course we have been looking for!  Weekly sessions that help us to get Jesus into our everyday conversations.  It is easy to digest and culturally relevant.  (Love that it is written by Australians!)  Quick, doable, everyday ideas – not complex apologetics which you rarely share. 


I love that evangelism is not painted as a complicated activity that only the super gifted or super spiritual can do... The motivation to have a ripple effect isn't driven by guilt that I must do, but rather from love that I can do.

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